632 SW Pine Street
Portland, Oregon
Mon-Sat, 11-7
Sun, 12-5
Before you log in to a switch through Telnet, create a Telnet account.You can set the Telnet login authentication method in the VTY. If the password authentication mode is configured, set a password in the VTY. If the AAA local authentication mode is configured, set the user name and password in the AAA view. If the remote AAA authentication mode is configured, set the user name and password on the AAA server.
Note: By default, the console login password, BootROM password and Telnet password are case-sensitive.
The S12700&S5720EI&S5720HI use the BootLoad menu, but not the BootROM menu.
When logging in to a switch via the web, your default user level is 0: visit level.
Table 1 Default passwords used by S series switchesS7700 | N/A | V100R003-V100R006 | 9300 | admin/admin |
V200R001&V200R002 |
Admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to 9300. |
V200R003 and later versions |
admin/admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to admin. |
S9700 | N/A | V200R001&V200R002 |
Admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to 9300. |
admin/admin |
V200R003 and later versions |
admin/admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to admin. |
S12700 | N/A | All versions | Admin@huawei.com | admin/admin@huawei.com |
S1720 | N/A | All versions | Admin@huawei.com | admin/admin@huawei.com |
S2700 | S2750EI/S2720EI | All versions | Admin@huawei.com | admin/admin@huawei.com |
S2710SI | V100R006C03 |
Admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to huawei. |
admin/admin | |
V100R006C05 |
admin/admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to admin. |
S2752EI/S2700EI/S2700SI | V100R005&V100R006(C00&C01) |
huawei If you forget the password, use the super password www.huawei.com to log in to the switch. |
admin/admin | |
V100R006C03 |
Admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to huawei. |
V100R006C05 |
admin/admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to admin. |
S3700 | S3700HI | V100R006 |
huawei If you forget the password, use the super password www.huawei.com to log in to the switch. |
admin/admin |
V200R001 |
Admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to huawei. |
S3700EI/S3700SI | V100R005&V100R006(C00&C01) |
huawei If you forget the password, use the super password www.huawei.com to log in to the switch. |
admin/admin | |
V100R006C03 |
Admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to huawei. |
V100R006C05 |
admin/admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to admin. |
S5700 | S5700LI/S5700S-LI/S5710EI | V200R001&V200R002 | Admin@huawei.com | admin/admin |
V200R003 and later versions |
admin/admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to admin. |
S5700EI/S5700SI | V100R005&V100R006 |
huawei If you forget the password, use the super password www.huawei.com to log in to the switch. |
admin/admin | |
V200R001&V200R002 |
Admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to huawei. |
V200R003 and later versions |
admin/admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to admin. |
S5720HI/S5720EI/S5710HI | All versions | Admin@huawei.com | admin/admin@huawei.com | |
S5710LI | All versions | Admin@huawei.com | admin/admin | |
S5700HI | V100R006 |
huawei If you forget the password, use the super password www.huawei.com to log in to the switch. |
admin/admin | |
V200R001&V200R002 |
Admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to huawei. |
V200R003 and later versions |
admin/admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to admin. |
S6700EI | N/A | V100R006 |
huawei If you forget the password, use the super password www.huawei.com to log in to the switch. |
admin/admin |
V200R001&V200R002 |
Admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to huawei. |
V200R003 and later versions |
admin/admin@huawei.com After the system software is upgraded, the default password may be changed to admin. |
XPONSHOP can supply Huawei campus switch and data center switch and provide tech support. If you have switch password questions or project inquiry, please email us at sales@xponshop.com